Elephant Welfare Project

Working to make elephants' lives better

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Who We Are

We are an academic team based at the University of Nottingham’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Science.

We have been working in partnership with colleagues at national and international elephant keeping facilities for over a decade to improve captive elephant welfare worldwide.




Our Goal

Our ultimate aim is to determine how to provide a good quality of life for all elephants under human care. 

We are working together with our colleagues at elephant-holding facilities worldwide and are using rigorous scientific methods to identify and share practices that support good welfare for captive elephants.  

Our Tool

We have created the Elephant Behavioural Welfare Assessment Tool (EBWAT) which is scientifically validated, simple to use, and rapid to complete. It enables routine behavioural assessments, allowing  facilities to monitor the welfare of their elephants over time, and identify changes that improve welfare. 


We have recently created an Android app for the tool, which we are offering free to all elephant holding facilities globally. 

To learn more about the tool and app, click the ‘About Us’ tab at the top of this page. 

To support our work and help us improve captive elephant welfare worldwide please donate by clicking on the button below:

If you would like to donate a significant gift then please contact us at EWP@nottingham.ac.uk

Support Us

Our work and achievements so far have been funded by research grants and donations from animal welfare charities, the UK government (DEFRA), the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA), UK zoos and the University of Nottingham (UoN), and supported by the UoN Digital Research Service, the Elephant Welfare Group, and volunteered assistance from students at the UoN School of Veterinary Medicine & Science.

However, in order to continue our work, and keep our app free, we need your support!

To support our work and help us improve captive elephant welfare across the world, please donate through our Just Giving page via the ‘Donate’ button below.

Please note if you wish to donate an amount greater than £100, please contact us directly: EWP@nottingham.ac.uk


Whether or not you are able to donate today, you can still support our work to improve captive elephant welfare by telling your family, friends and colleagues about our project and by following us / sharing our message on Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn!


Contact us via email on ewp@nottingham.ac.uk